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Business Process Excellence

Continuous improvement through our unique DEFY Approach


In this dynamic business environment, business operations and customer demands are constantly changing. Industries are evolving and coupled with disruptive technologies such as cloud computing, big data analytics, mobile and social media being fired at, businesses can no longer rely on their old way of doing things.

With "Business at the speed of thought" being the norm, Eenterprises need to recreate and reinvent their business processes.

As the technological capability of processing large data sets advances, the challenge of first getting at that data, secondly, sifting through the data to decide what’s important, and finally, figuring out how employees can act on that data is a challenge.

1. Evolving customer expectations and growth plans drive the process change

2. Today’s customer requires Faster – More Agile Processes

3. Process Excellence needs to keep Business Objective in full frame i.e. Strategically Aligned.

4. Traditional Drivers of Process Excellence over the period of time remains the same as-

  • Improved Efficiency
  • Reduced Cost
  • Increased C-Sat
  • Increased Revenue &
  • Minimizing the Operational Risks

Process Excellence- Both Now and into The Future Design Enterprise level processes, policies And Controls

Augmenter Solution

We help organizations to continuously improve their processes & achieve higher operational efficiency.

At Augmenter Solutions, we believe the Business Process Excellence (BPE) exercise is not an end in itself but a continuous activity repeating throughout the life of the process. An activity through which something - whether tangible or intangible - is transformed into something valuable. At its most fundamental level, process excellence is not about the methodology, it's about improving the way businesses create and deliver value to the various stakeholders; internal as well as external.

Our Approach: Define – Document- Discover- Develop- Deliver

Benefits of Business Process Excellence

Voice of Customer

Efficient and effective information flow to better understand customer needs.

Significant Cost Savings

Manual process transformed into automated structure resulting into savings.

Time and Resource Saved

Value addition thorugh toime and resourced saved and thus increased profit.

Access to Data anywhere anytime

Integration with latest and advanced technology for ease of access.

Informed Decision Making

Data driven fact based decision making

Value Addition

Delivering Value through improved process and excellence in Business Performance.